Lubricate your tools with beeswax! Honeybees produce beeswax using special wax glands on the sides of their bodies. They use it to extrude the hexagonal "cells" that make up their honeycomb. They use these wax cells to store nectar, pollen and baby bees (brood).
We use it for just about everything else! It's a great lubricant for glassblowing tools, saw blades, and drawing out wire. It's used in candles, lip balm, cosmetics, waxing strings, and conditioning and strengthening thread.
It has an aroma that can't be beat, and we use it throughout the household!
When we harvest our honey, we cut off the wax "cappings" that cover the honeycomb in order to extract the honey. We melt down these cappings and then pour the melted wax into molds. It's so fresh and pure you might even see a spec of pollen here and there.
Demand often exceeds supply, so get yours today!